Borobudur TempleBorobudur temple is one of GRATEST Beatifuls in the World, borobudur temple in location in Indonesia have many mistic in the buiding. If you around World don't forget visiting
Borobudur temple INDONESIAN, is great :D
Borubudur Temple is very bigs, consists of 10 levels, measuring 123 x 123 meters. Height 42 meters before the renovation and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the bottom level is used as a backstop. This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief and 504 Buddhist stupa in the complex. Six levels below the square-shaped and three levels on top of one circular and the highest level in the form of a Buddhist stupa facing to the west.

Each level represents the stages of human life. Available
mahzab Mahayana Buddhism, the people who want to reach the level through the Buddha must have every level of life.
Borobudur Temple - Borobudur is a Buddhist temple, located in the village of Borobudur Magelang regency, Central Java, was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant of Sailendra dynasty. The name Borobudur is a combination of words and Bara Budur. Coals from Sanskrit means temple or monastery complex. While Budur derived from the word meaning Beduhur above, so Borobudur means monastery on the hill. Meanwhile, according to other sources means that a terraced mountain-terrace (budhara), while other sources say that Borobudur means monastery is located in a high place.
* Kamadhatu, part of the base of Borobudur, the man who still passionately attached.
* Rupadhatu, four-level above it, the man who was able to free himself from lust, but is still bound to the form and shape. At these levels, a statue of Buddha placed open.
* Arupadhatu, three levels above where the Buddhist stupa placed in the perforated holes. Symbolizes man who had freed from lust, appearance, and shape.
* Arupa, the top part of the Nirwana, where Buddha reside.

Each level has a relief that will be legible in order clockwise (the left temple from the entrance). At
Borobudur reliefs tells a story about a very popular, a variety of story content, among others, there are reliefs on history of Ramayana, there are reliefs jātaka story. In addition, there is also relief that describes the conditions at that time. For example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the progress of the agricultural system at that time and the ship is a relief representation of the progress of the voyage at that time Bergotta (Semarang). One of the questions that now have not missed Borobudur is about how the condition around the temple when the temple was built and why it is found buried in the circumstances. Some say Borobudur initially stood swamp and hidden due to eruption of Merapi. This is based on the inscription Kalkutta titled 'Amawa' means milk seas. Word is then defined as the lava of Merapi, Borobudur likely buried cold lava of Merapi. The villages around Borobudur, as Karanganyar Wanurejo and there are people making craft activity. In addition, the peak Kendil Watu is the ideal look for the panorama from the top of Borobudur. Earthquake 27 May 2006 does not impact at all on the Borobudur temple, so the building can still visit.